Absolutely shredding Diner with this deck
Also won 3 straight in a gold conquest, it’s very good in the Arishem/Gorr meta right now. Quake isn’t super necessary and you can take or leave the Prof/Wave combo, but it’s really good at capturing a lane before Jane gets played, and if you have Echo out in a lane you can Naut (or stack all your power, or lock behind goose with WM active, tbh there’s a lot of options if you can reliably get echo out) in it probably for the win every time
Also won 3 straight in a gold conquest, it’s very good in the Arishem/Gorr meta right now. Quake isn’t super necessary and you can take or leave the Prof/Wave combo, but it’s really good at capturing a lane before Jane gets played, and if you have Echo out in a lane you can Naut (or stack all your power, or lock behind goose with WM active, tbh there’s a lot of options if you can reliably get echo out) in it probably for the win every time